Employment in Australia provides targeted global recruitment solutions for Employers in the Mining and Construction industries .
Due to well documented economic factors many highly skilled American professionals and tradespeople now realise the career and lifestyle opportunities on offer and are ready to migrate to build long term careers in Australia. The ‘Oprah factor’ and recent articles in leading global publications such as the Economist have highlighted this, even comparing Australia to a young California, a land of true opportunity.
Employment in Australia has joined with exclusive media partner CBS America and several Australian Institutions to bring Australian organisations the opportunity to recruit ‘ideal candidates’ who are ready to relocate to Australia.
Visit our website www.employmentinaustralia.com to search for a Job or to post your cv.
Providing targted human capital solutions for critical roles in the Construction, Mining, Healthcare, Telco, IT & Professional Services Sectors., Educating Australian organisations on how to lead effectively across cultures for maximum performance.